Jim Henson's Family Hub is the official social home to The Jim Henson Company's Family Entertainment.


The Henson Family Hub is the official social home to The Jim Henson Company's Family Entertainment and a virtual community celebrating, supporting and connecting all iterations of today’s families.


Jim Henson's Family Hub is the official social home to The Jim Henson Company's Family Entertainment and a virtual community celebrating, supporting and connecting all kinds of families. Welcome!




Stories, articles, profiles and more about The Jim Henson Company’s productions and life on our historic lot, as well as ideas, activities and interesting finds about parents, kids, families and fun.


Dress like Buddy for Halloween!


Is your little one looking to dress up like their favorite T-Rex for Halloween? Have no fear! We've got an easy, no-sew pattern for you to try. 

DT_GA_BUD_02 copy.jpg

What you'll need: 
- Orange sweat suit (sweat pants and hoodie) 
- Blue felt
- Large piece of orange felt

How to: 
1. Measure from your child’s waist to knee. This will be the length of Buddy’s tail. Using the orange felt, cut a large isosceles (long) triangle for the tail. Use hot glue (or stitch) to secure the tail piece to the back bottom edge of the hoodie.

2. Print the diamond shapes here. Trace and cut the diamond shapes from the blue felt. (You will need 3 large diamonds, 5 medium diamonds and 4 small diamonds). These will be Buddy’s stripes.

3. Hot glue (or stitch) the diamonds horizontally centered down Buddy’s back in this order:
- Beginning at the front of the hood and to the nape of the neck : small, medium, large, medium, medium, small
- Down the back of the hoodie, from top to bottom: small, medium, large
- Down the tail, from base to tip: large, medium, small

4. Add your best Buddy roar and you're ready to go! All aboard! 


Visit PBS Parents for more Halloween ideas! Share your costumes with us on social media by using #HensonHalloween!